
Ethan’s Blog

End of the year watercolors, reflection and years to come.

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I cracked open my watercolors after a pretty long break to add some color to my recently filled sketchbook. These are some observational drawings of my family woodstove and old sheepdog chip. I’ve been trying to work more observational drawing into my life to get my art out of my head and it’s worked a bit here and there. If nothing else, it’s been peaceful drawing some of the more quiet parts of my life.

I’ve been working more and more in my fathers forge as a shop assistant and marketer. It’s been nice to be accepted in my work rather than constantly trying to strive to get the attention of a studio or company. A lot of the marketing experiments that haven’t worked well with my art have been working quite well with the forged iron, it’s very reassuring. We are running our own shop as well as supplying for a local camping/reenacting retailer, it’s been busy hard work but it’s been much nicer than returning to retail as I work to figure out what to do next.

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I’m working to put together another sketchbook PDF as well as a “Best of 2018” PDF that patrons will get for free, other folks can purchase on Gumroad. As the new year comes I’m excited to work on some short stories and explore worlds new and old, to bring you some more fun posts.

While I’m uncertain of what life has in store for me in the next chapter of life, I’m happy to say I’m at peace with the uncertainty ahead. With good friends, family, a wonderful girlfriend in Paisley, and some good dogs I’m certain there’s more years ahead.

I hope you all have a warm and safe winter, and a happy new year.

Best wishes,
