Chickens and more scenes from the farm- Watercolor illustrations
I’ve been painting more while I act as a substitute art teacher for the local high school.
I load up my ipad with nice pictures from my trips to Prohpetstown, or our own farm and paint all day while making sure no students eat glue.
Below you’ll see a slideshow of some recent works. I’m using a Strathmore 400 series Art Journal with 140lb cold press paper for some, and Fabriano 140 cold press for others. The Strathmore has some very rough texture that I’m really enjoying.

The first slide is an Amerucuana hen, one of Paisley’s favorites. I am running a special print for her so we can hang it up where she’d like. These hens lay colored eggs, ranging from green to blue and even pink, we are excited for ours to start laying eggs.
These paintings are available as prints in my etsy shop if you’d like to add them to your home.
Until next time,
Ethan Yazel